Read and study the articles Tony Earl wrote together with various university colleagues:
- The Complete Book The Art and Craft of Course Design, pdf.
- Review of Tony Earls Book by C. Kerr .
- The tips which resemble the way of working of Tony Earl.
- Study the case studies from Tony Earl
- Use the tag-cloud or the search button to search for a specific concept or word.
- Select in the right column the chapters and paragraphs you want to read and study.
- Why I think the design approach of Tony Earl is worthwhile in Higher Education, video by Jan Nedermeijer.
- Read the foreword in which Tony Earl explains his vision.Why this website?
- Video Presentations that have to teach. T.Earl and K. Meyer-Hartwig, Journal of Educational Television, Vol 12, No.3, 1986 , blz 137
- Assisting the observation skills of medical students visiting general practices and patients in their homes. F.A. Earl, SEM Everwijn and R.A. de Melker, Medical Education 1980, 14, 136 -142
- The use of backward chaining in demonstration films. F.A. Earl. Performance and Instruction Vol. XXI, nr. 7, September 1982, pag.23.
- Vaardigheidsonderwijs: Microscopie. A.L. de Ruiter, F.A. Earl, A. Ronduite, c.s. Vakgroep Celbiologie i.s.m. afdeling O en O van O. Universiteit Utrecht. (Dutch)
Good afternoon,
With interest and many good memories to my contact with Tony and Pieree van Eijl during the years 1974 and 1975, I would like to ask some informations. These days I coordinate an individual learning/coaching traject meant for professionals in de Bio-Dynamic Agriculture. These persons come to us with an idea, make a plan and start their research project. So they design their own course of learning. Question: Do you know of individuals who have used Tony’s ideas and suggestion to design their own, EIGEN, program of learning. If so, please let my know; I would like to learn from their experiences