3.1 Introduction
‘What is the difference between the mental gymnastics of thinking up a design and the mental gymnastics of working out a design?’
‘What is the difference between the mental gymnastics of thinking up a design and the mental gymnastics of working out a design?’
An S-R event is an educational happening. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. It occupies a relatively short or relatively long time-slot in the course or lesson to which it belongs. It has its own identity. If…
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‘Chain’, ‘necklace’, ‘spiral’, ‘network’, ‘hybrid’ — these are the titles we use in the Think Tank workshop for the different methods of sequencing S-R events that a thought-up design can demand. A thought-up design has a ‘route map’ in it;…
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This activity in the working out of a design is something which is going on intuitively and automatically when you have had some experience in working out designs. This is because, as you come to work out a thought-up design,…
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From our own experience in learning situations we know how special and important it can be to imagine something. Why then don’t we (as designers and teachers) give more attention to the use of the student’s imagination in a teaching-learning…
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As a designer of courses and lessons you will always be in demand if you have success in creating response environments for learning in which students are given the responsibility and the chance to think for themselves.